Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Counting Away

I've noticed that out of the 30 lbs I've lost in the past year, five crept back up on me somehow. I was pissed for a while ( I work out all the time!! How can this be? If I can't eat cookies and ice cream and chocolate once in a while, who can??) but then decided to suck it up and just shed it. After all, it's only 5 lbs. So I started counting the caloric value of what I eat about a week ago and was amazed to see how fast things add up! Really, try it!
I am finding that this new practice is kindof liberating. It does not sound like it would be, keeping track of all the numbers and all, but it is and here's how: I generally find myself snacky and hungry at the end of the day, and now I can 1) economize my calories throughout the day and save some to be consumed at night, because I know I will get hungry and 2) not feel back that I am snacking at night, especially when my numbers indicate that I am still below the daily limit. It's great. AND since two weeks ago, I am already down 2 lbs! Hurray!
One thing I am wondering about is where to best determine what my daily intake should be. I don't have time for meeting up with the trainer right now for his fancy equipment and complicated equations.. and one online site based on my height and activity level recommends 2400 a day which is the highest quote I've ever seen! Any tips for better online resources?


  1. Check out this link. I think it's a little more accurate than most especially if you know your existing body fat percentage.


  2. Haha! I totally just promoted that same link under my most recent post. Yes, I like that website for various reasons: It seems in depth, and seems to share the wealth and wisdom with dieters everywhere for free. Go Freedieting!
